It seems as if every child is now being diagnosed as ADHD. The criteria used to make this diagnosis fits almost every child we’ve encountered in our practice. According to Peter Breggin, M.D. and his wife Ginger Rose Breggin in the book The War on Children, ADHD tends to be a middle class diagnosis. Let’s take a look at the diagnosis criteria:
1. Often fidgets with hands or feet, squirms in seat
2. Has difficulty remaining seated when required
3. Is easily distracted
4. Often blurts out answers to questions before they have been completed
5. Has difficulty awaiting turn when playing games
6. Difficulty following instructions
7. Jumps from one thing to another
8. Often talks excessively
9. Interrupts others
10. Often loses things
11. Does not seem to listen
12. Has difficulty playing quietly
If you have at least 8 of these criteria you are a candidate to be diagnosed as ADHD. Personally, I am now concerned about myself and even the majority of my friends as we come close to fitting this pattern. Rather than use the term ADHD the Breggins call it DADD – Dad Attention Deficit Disorder. They feel that a lack of parental attention and a lack of discipline very often leads to the diagnosis of ADHD. Some neurologists are wondering if hyperactivity disorder is in the eye of the beholder. Years ago, Dr. Mendelsohn questioned whether we were taking below active children and comparing them to normal children and then calling the normal children hyperactive.
After examining several diagnosed ADHD children, we find an upper cervical subluxation that can lead to neurotransmitter involvement but certainly not to the point of drugging the child into a state of zombism. These drugs are Class II narcotics – the same class as cocaine. We see signs around schools that proclaim them as DRUG FREE ZONES, yet if we look inside the schools they are definitely not Drug Free.
I am going to recommend two books for you to give your patients: Talking Back To Prozac and The War on Children. Both of these books are written by Peter Breggin, M.D. and Ginger Rose Breggin. These books will astound you with their insight into the Pharmaceutical industry and the FDA.
The ICPA recently completed a pilot program of ADHD children. The criteria for acceptance into the program was as follows:
1. Children between the ages of 5-12. This age span was selected in an effort to rule out any maturity factors that could mislead us in the final analysis.
2. Must have a prior diagnosis of ADHD with verification
3. Parents must attend a health consultation prior to determine acceptance of children into the program and willingness of parents to cooperate in the program
4. Participant must follow schedule of care or be dismissed from the study
The study length was to be of one year’s duration with all evaluation and care free. Emphasis was placed on the drug free aspect of the program and participants were to be re-evaluated every 60 days. We advertised in a local newspaper for participants with 19 children responding to the ad and placed under initial care. All 19 had a prior diagnosis of ADHD with all being prescribed Ritalin.
The clinical picture of all were very similar: poor grades in school, emotional outburst, low immune functions, lack of concentration in school , and overall emotional instability. Two also suffered from stuttering. Of these 19, only 8 completed our program. The others dropped out for a variety of reasons, such as traveling distance or inability to follow the visit schedule. The response factor accrued in approximately two months in almost all participants.
The visit schedule started at 3 times per week and reduced after 30 days. The next visit scheduled toward the end of the program averaged 1 time each week for 4 weeks. The area of the spine addressed was the upper cervical area. The results of the study was so encouraging that with the efforts of Dr. Jay Holder, we are expanding the program substantially in April to 75 children.
These 75 children will be divided into groups of 25 in the following manner:
25 on medication and being adjusted; 25 under medical care and monitored only; 25 not on medication and under chiropractic care. This program will also be of 1 year in duration.
Independent evaluation will be made on all participants with the evaluator not being aware of which group is under chiropractic care.
The expansion of the ADHD program is on of several studies that the ICPA intends to expand in the next two year. It is our goal to make our facility the number 1 research facility in the area of Chiropractic and Children.
Webster, Larry, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. (January 1996).